Thursday, June 5, 2008

No Gray Hair

Only four more days, to my birthday that is. Now most years I look forward to my B-day, my family treats me even more special, presents, all that stuff, but this year is different, you see next Monday I turn 50. Yes I said 50, one half of a century! How did I suddenly become that old! Just yesterday I was a spry young thing raising a gaggle of little ones and then, Wham! I'm getting an AARP application in the mail. It just shouldn't happen that fast!

During my immense life time I have had only one other time when a birthday affected me this way. The year I turned 33 I had my third child and bought a huge Buick station wagon all within a months time, that had me feeling old but nothing like this.

But I am trying to look on the bright side, I still have my health, no one has tried to help me across the street yet, and so far, no gray hair. Ok, so I have no hair, but it's the thought that counts. So we'll see what Monday brings, good or bad here I come.


Mari said...

I'm not sure how that time flew by so fast either. It was just yesterday that the kids were all little!
At least you still have a young wife! :)
PS - you're still spry.

Cheri said...

It is amazing how fast time flies. I can't believe I have one old enough to drive.
You're still a young, good egg in my eyes!

Terri said...

I love the self portrait. It does seem that time flies by much faster the older we get. How does that happen? I'll still say you're young because in a few short years, I'll be right there with you.

Laura said...

You're not old. I keep thinking to myself - I can't have a 50 year old parent - my parents are young yet! Does that mean I'm getting older too? My birthday was hard this year too. I felt like now I really crossed that line of teen/young adult into having to really say I'm an "adult". 24 sounds young, but 25 sounds so much older.

Anyway... you're not old because you don't act old... all the time. :)

Andrew Bruins said...

You aint old yet. The day that you have to move in with laura or heather is the day you are old. Hope you have a great birthday.

Unknown said...

Well, I work with your wife and she is very spry, I don't know how she got stuck with an ole' guy like you... ahem, I'm just sayin...

Shelly said...

Hey Bob! Happy birthday to you and me. We have the priveledge of sharing this day. Old is only when you are finished with life, that is what I think anyway. LOL
Enjoy your day!